Garden Master
Ok, THIS is garden remarkable. I am cleaning up my grapes, doing a first cutting after harvesting, planning on severe pruning next February, and I pull up a branch that is touching the ground. It has a root!!!! I assume, bc I have been really busy, that this IS a grape vine, I have already lost 3/8 grape vines and don't want to damage it. Yesterday I am pulling the weeds in preparation to lay down cardboard and chicken compost (just tilled) to get rid of the weeds without spraying and I NOTICE that THIS branch originates on another grape vine!!
Apparantly you CAN get cuttings to root.
I was, frankly amazed and so pleased bc it looks like I am back one vine, making it 6 for 2019.
I WILL get you a picture of this over the weekend.
yes, it is a common practice to take cuttings of vines and stick them in moist dirt, if they have a few nodes on them below the ground some will take. the only issue is if the vine is European or a native American vine. the Europeans have to be grafted onto native American root stock or they'll eventually die from disease.
if the grape is a Concord variety it is likely ok to grow from cuttings... all that you trim off in your prunings take the pieces about 1-2yr old about a foot to a foot and a half long. stick 'em in the dirt. wait until next spring. see how many go.