Garden Master
Tuesday, finished up weeding the north garden and got some of the areas reshaped a bit to retain any rains that might come along. i also transplanted a few chunks of the creeping thyme and watered them in well even if it is a horrible time to be doing such things i just really need to get some of those bare dirt edges started on growing some cover to keep the dirt in place instead of running down slope. picked some more peas that were mostly ready.
Wednesday, made sure all the crops got some water on them today. picked a few JBs off the beans. will have to check tomorrow to make sure the melons, pole beans, squash and cucumbers are heading in the right directions. in a few cases i think they're already through the fence or climbing here or there on the wrong things. plant herding.
JBs only have been after certain plants in the gardens so as the JBs congregate on those plants it makes it easier to grab those and smush 'em with a small rock. i've decided this method may be a bit messy, but you know for sure when you've done it the bugs are done for. the drowning in water method isn't as reliable as quickly and Mom doesn't like seeing the container of drowning bugs sitting around some place.
Wednesday, made sure all the crops got some water on them today. picked a few JBs off the beans. will have to check tomorrow to make sure the melons, pole beans, squash and cucumbers are heading in the right directions. in a few cases i think they're already through the fence or climbing here or there on the wrong things. plant herding.
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