Garden Master
we mostly don't get back jars we give away. this year we were able to borrow a few cases so that has helped but we're going to be short again in a week or two or perhaps Mom will cook a bunch up and we'll give more away. i dunno, we'll see... 
i do know that we have around 200-400lbs more tomatoes in the gardens that will need something done with them eventually. we also have some finishing up on the tables in
the garage so i will have to either can those or cook them up sometime this week.
i really need to get the beans picked through today and tomorrow. i'm about 1/4 done now, but a long ways to go. Mom may help this afternoon.
i do know that we have around 200-400lbs more tomatoes in the gardens that will need something done with them eventually. we also have some finishing up on the tables in
the garage so i will have to either can those or cook them up sometime this week.
i really need to get the beans picked through today and tomorrow. i'm about 1/4 done now, but a long ways to go. Mom may help this afternoon.