Garden Master
picked two buckets beans this afternoon and then shelled about half of them, with half of the half (meaning one-quarter) going towards dinner as lima bean shellies. as something unusual i sat outside in the late day and early evening (the sun was faint and reddish due to smoke from afar) to do that shelling and had just finished up when Mom came home, so i helped her with unloading her stuff while cooking the shellies. they were delicious and filling and i was tired. i stretched out on my perch here on the futon and promptly fell asleep until 2am. didn't hear anything at all and wished i could have just slept through the night but i guess i was excited to be awake enough. it was actually an interesting dream about tornadoes... ha...
the other half of the beans i have spread out to dry as they were a lot of beans from undestory so they were damp and smelled a bit too funky to bring inside to shell out. they can dry later today after the sun gets out and burns off the dewfall.
we really need to harvest the squash that are ready. we gave my brother some of them to take with him from his visit.
today's plan will be to continue the bean picking, there's a few more rows of lima beans to get through and then some along the fences that should be checked. forecast did include a chance of rain for this evening for the past few days, but i just pulled that up and see that there is no chance now so perhaps we won't get rain afterall this evening. it wasn't above 30% so i wasn't counting on it anyways (we don't need it so *whew*&*Yay!* as far as i'm concerned).
after picking today i can then sort out the more dried beans that are ready for the next shelling stage and that will give me drying down space for what i pick today. at least that is the plan. in the past i've stacked box tops of beans in the garage to let them dry out more before shelling them, but after some years of having mice get into the drying beans and not wanting to encourage mice to even try to get into the garage i've been doing a lot more drying here in my room. which gets kinda hectic for space. looks like a wreck in here at the moment. i did a bit of dusting around where i was shelling as there was getting to be a bit too much. spot cleaning... it's what i do...

the other bit of spot cleaning i did was pulling the last box tops from under the other futon (yes, i have two futons in this tiny room, no, i don't know why i need another one but it currently acts as extra storage space where i can pile boxes of beans on)... when pulling those box tops out from under there i also brought some dust bunnies so i know it's bad under there, bad enough i don't want to look at least until i get everything picked... some things i don't tell Mom...
(i did dust half of it a few weeks ago and it was bad then, i sure know there were no magic cleaning fairies in here in between now and then so it's likely not much better than it was ... heehee)...
the other half of the beans i have spread out to dry as they were a lot of beans from undestory so they were damp and smelled a bit too funky to bring inside to shell out. they can dry later today after the sun gets out and burns off the dewfall.
we really need to harvest the squash that are ready. we gave my brother some of them to take with him from his visit.
today's plan will be to continue the bean picking, there's a few more rows of lima beans to get through and then some along the fences that should be checked. forecast did include a chance of rain for this evening for the past few days, but i just pulled that up and see that there is no chance now so perhaps we won't get rain afterall this evening. it wasn't above 30% so i wasn't counting on it anyways (we don't need it so *whew*&*Yay!* as far as i'm concerned).
after picking today i can then sort out the more dried beans that are ready for the next shelling stage and that will give me drying down space for what i pick today. at least that is the plan. in the past i've stacked box tops of beans in the garage to let them dry out more before shelling them, but after some years of having mice get into the drying beans and not wanting to encourage mice to even try to get into the garage i've been doing a lot more drying here in my room. which gets kinda hectic for space. looks like a wreck in here at the moment. i did a bit of dusting around where i was shelling as there was getting to be a bit too much. spot cleaning... it's what i do...
the other bit of spot cleaning i did was pulling the last box tops from under the other futon (yes, i have two futons in this tiny room, no, i don't know why i need another one but it currently acts as extra storage space where i can pile boxes of beans on)... when pulling those box tops out from under there i also brought some dust bunnies so i know it's bad under there, bad enough i don't want to look at least until i get everything picked... some things i don't tell Mom...
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