Garden Master
Haven't been doing much in the gardens, other than waiting for them to dry out. But I ordered 4 Japanese beetle traps on 7/2, which were supposed to be delivered 7/9. At the end of the day on the 9th, I checked the status - and it had been canceled on the last day, as "unavailable"!
Odd that the seller would commit to a date, then wait for the last day to back out. I had hoped to be prepared for the arrival of the JBs; but now they are starting, and I'll have to look elsewhere for the traps... and hope I find some before the big surge. Meanwhile, I'll be using my soap spray on the beetles which are appearing on my soybeans.
Oh, and while I was out spraying... the Grandson was over, and asked me what the weird wasps were that he saw on the soybeans. It was a pair of adult Squash Vine Borers! Don't know what they were doing on the soybeans, I have no squash in the home gardens. I was glad to have the spray bottle in hand, those moths are QUICK! Not quick enough to escape the spray though.
Oh, and while I was out spraying... the Grandson was over, and asked me what the weird wasps were that he saw on the soybeans. It was a pair of adult Squash Vine Borers! Don't know what they were doing on the soybeans, I have no squash in the home gardens. I was glad to have the spray bottle in hand, those moths are QUICK! Not quick enough to escape the spray though.