Garden Master
... Yum! Going to pick green beans today.
i hope i can get some of that done today.
... Yum! Going to pick green beans today.
I keep planting 1 Early Girl as insurance but I think I'll stop. There's no reason for it and my heirlooms do fine.Mary, I think it depends on the season. Often my "early" tomatoes aren't any earlier than the others. Some years they are but not all that often.
I love the taste of Black Krim, that flavor is hard to beat. But mine usually don't produce all that well.
Fortunately the majority of the over-night rain went just North of us, we only got about 1" or so... not enough to be a problem. I was able to walk carefully in the home gardens late in the day, to patrol for beetles & pick some near-dry pea pods.@Zeedman i saw you mention that you were going to water and then looked at the radar and saw storms heading your way. hope it doesn't end up to being too much too often again!