Garden Master
Yes, shipping quality is #1 priority. Otherwise the commercial growers would have all this produce and nowhere to sell it. Want quality, has to be home grown. Even some (commercial) farm markets buy from suppliers that ship. Consumer just pays a higher price for the privilege of buying there vs super market. IF farm market can’t show you the fields, odds are same product that comes from a supplier super market.My wife purchased a canteloupe at the grocery store about a week ago. Rather large { for a cantaloupe }, firm, rather light in color and not quite ripe. So she left it on the kitchen counter to ripen. Yesterday , it had a soft spot show up, so she cut it up. It had a pleasant sweetish taste, but the flesh was quite FIRM and HARD. My wife had to cut the flesh about a half inch away from the rind due to the firmness of the flesh or risk cutting herself. Taste was only OK, but the loss of volume of eating ... NOT so good! I guess they value shipping quality over taste and loss of available eating.