Garden Master
watered and weeded, had brunch, took a long nap. 
Will Mesa be on your keeper list?I will clean out a chest freezer to dedicate it for seed storage, and begin packaging & transferring as much as will fit. Hopefully I can still maintain much of the collection, on a reduced renewal schedule... but a lot of commercial varieties (or even widely-grown heirlooms) will likely be dropped, so I can focus on those most in need of preservation. I'll post a list when I know which varieties will be dropped, and offer seed to anyone interested.
Please post a link here for that interview if you don't mind sharingMy brother & I finished the garden fences today. The seedlings for Atlas & Grandma Gina's beans, and Galante yardlong bean, were large enough - so I transplanted them into their final spots in the garden. All of the beans, soybeans, and Painted Mountain corn planted on 06/22 are beginning to emerge, so gave them a good watering to help them break through. Weather permitting, I should get all but 3 of the potted legumes & cucurbits transplanted tomorrow.
Saw 2 large voles today, running across both gardens, so I put some traps out close to the new transplants. Better safe than sorry.
A few of the two rescue soybeans (Bei 77-6177 & Sapporo Midori) have sprouted, I will pot them up tomorrow. Both should still have time to mature a little seedI will protect them from frost if necessary. I believe SSE has Bei 77-6177, but Sapporo Midori is irreplaceable - and my largest-seeded edamame.
A crew from SSE came today, to do an interview for this year's virtual-only "campout". They were very friendly & not in a hurry; we talked for over an hour, about SSE, and a wide range of garden topics. The interview will be edited & posted some time next month.