Garden Master
I really wish I could post a photo...The 2 times that I have tried to grow favas, they absolutely burned up. Hot dry weather also seemed to encourage the aphids to attack them.
Favas' known intolerance for heat was the reason I hesitated to grow them. They look terrible in the summer heat, and were wilting & dying. But I wondered whether it was hot air, or warm soil, that caused their distress. So I heavily mulched 1/2 of the row, and kept both sides irrigated.
So in place of a photo, I'll just have to use 1000 words.
The unmulched side is blackened, and nearly all dead. The mulched side has mostly recovered, and is now beginning to grow again. We finally had about 1/2" of rain last night, and they look even stronger today. Who knows, I might get seed yet.