Branching Out
Deeply Rooted
Lots of seeds hit the dirt today. Four varieties of spinach seeds were sown in pots, as well as cilantro and some Tuscan baby kale. I'm hoping it's not too late for the spinach; we have a narrow window to get it to maturity before the weather gets too warm for it. (Below is a photo of spinach that I put in a month ago; it's about 2" tall now). The other day I found some dwarf shelling pea seeds from a few years ago so they got tucked in the ground too, with some twigs for support. Tomorrow it will rain which should get the peas off to a good start.
Scallions that were started mid-January finally got moved from small 6-cells to a large container, as well as dianthus plugs. At least I think they're dianthus-- the label disappeared somewhere along the way.
Scallions that were started mid-January finally got moved from small 6-cells to a large container, as well as dianthus plugs. At least I think they're dianthus-- the label disappeared somewhere along the way.