What Did You Do In The Garden?


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Time to vent...LOST 10 days during Cruise to Alaska, LOST 9 days due to DH's "Mandatory" Colorado vacation, THEN, with our office lease to expire on 08-31-17 (and 9 years of a leaky roof and other never repaired items PLUS a promised hike in our rent), LOST 7 days in moving to a new (better and cheaper and safer neighborhood) office. :somad Basically, I lost one month of outdoor chore work this summer. THEREfore, I can brag about ANYTHING that I've gotten done at all. :barnie Our associate is over the moon about the new digs. DH is very happy, and he DID probably too much lifting and moving, but I packed up 2 1/2 car loads of the last stuff, and our Dodge 3500 is not unpacked, AND the furniture that goes into our house is still on the back of the truck I was going to locally list last week.
This morning I spent an hour at DD's house watering (they are out of town until Tuesday) and digging up saplings where they don't belong. Gonna have lunch and then go BACK to MY yard. Wish me luck. :hit


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
On a better note, a rescued several old soaker hoses and put them to good use in several of my beds. VERY LATE harvest this year. I have a few corn stalks with corn starting. I have two, yes, Virginia, I said 2 cucumbers and one tennis ball sized pumpkin. Swimming in peppers, though. I gave away another 20 jalepanos. Since I missed out on lunch I grabbed a sweet marconi pepper, you know the ones that grow 10 inches long? and had THAT for lunch, plus some bolognie and cheese. Certainly a better lunch that the poor souls still waiting to be rescued in Houston. Please remember to pray for them DAILY.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
I know I'm a month too late but was unavoidably held up through the month of August....so finally got my low tunnels established and planted with winter crop greens.

Four 40 in. x 8 ft. frames with Agribon stapled to them, over metal hoops, landscaping fabric on the floor. Planted various romaines and some pak choi under there...I'd still like to plant some kale out in the garden also, just to see if it will grow, then feed it to the chickens.

I had planned to plant some carrots and still may try to do so, but will have to build a carrot box for it, as our soils won't allow carrots to grow....too much clay.

I've never done winter crops before and had wanted to do it right, planting at the first of August, but didn't get a chance to do that. I'm hoping they will germinate and grow well anyway before they go dormant for the winter.

When it gets really cold, I'll apply more hoops attached to the outside of the frame and apply a layer of plastic to the frames to add more warmth there. Bags of leaves at the ends of the rows will help block the wind there and prop sticks on the frames will allow me to regulate the heat there and access the beds.

I had applied chicken manure/compost tea to the beds, as well as Miracle Gro potting soil, under the landscaping fabric and am hoping that will provide enough nutrients for fall/winter growth.

All the romaines I planted are supposed to be winter hardy, as is the pak choi.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
I move my garden around the way people move furniture in their house! :eek: I've been moving pots and really like where they are much better than before. I've decided on a paint color for my square pots with trees. Going to go with Eggplant, a deep purple. A lighter purple would have been too much or garish. The eggplant color will be subdued but will give me some color. I think it will be much better than that walnut color those pots are right now.

I'm establishing a garden wall of pottery from Mexico. I just bought 2 plates that I'll get my husband to hang. Of course, he's going to have to move the ones I already have. ;)

I'm pretty happy with how things are going. My plan is to have colorful art pieces along with a garden that is extensive. :)


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