Garden Master
Nothing has been thrown away. The only reason I would throw away any legume is if the seed was spoiled. I discard spoiled or diseased seed during sorting, but have never had beans spoil in storage. All of those older beans, peas, and soybeans are stored in metal cabinets, and are part of my emergency food supply. I'm not really concerned with using them as backups, since any crosses which occur can usually be eliminated within a year or two. When I feel the need to save backup seed, I use frozen storage.if you have room i'd certainly not discard the old seed, especially if you are worried about not having enough for the future. i keep samples from as many seasons as i can store here. i don't have room for everything, but i won't throw away old seeds. i will eat them instead for sure (or feed them to the worms if i don't like the looks of them).
I just went through all of the old cowpeas today, mixing them all together & packaging them into 1# bags... there were 14 bags. The result is quite colorful; and while the different varieties may vary in flavor, they tend to cook uniformly. DD is vegan, and really loves these.