What did YOU do in your garden today :P


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
My MIL brought me two of my FIL's roses that he was famous for. This was a great honor. She must trust me to take care of them. I planted them right away and she said she would bring me some more! She hasn't been able to keep up with them for a long time now.

DH helped me...or rather I helped him...pound in all the tomato stakes. We've decided that he has a 50 stake limit before my arms begin to be in danger of the sledge hammer. So that's it, no more than 50 tomato plants a year. LOL

Finished mulching the last row of tomatoes. Pruned suckers and tied up about 15 of them before I ran out of daylight, 35 more to go.

Sprayed BT on the brussel sprouts and cabbage.

Pulled almost all weeds out of the front landscaping.

Edged the rose bed with shingles and got it mulched. Still need to line the border with rocks.

Hoed a few weeds around the cukes.

Added and leveled more dirt into the front raised bed that I replaced and expanded. Still need to hammer in the support stakes, but it's mostly ready to plant now.

Filled in a hole by that same bed that I have repeatedly fallen in. DH saw me trip over it and said, "seriously, why don't you fill that hole in?" Seriously, good question!! :oops: Didn't want to use my good dirt on it. Ha.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Got my last planting of corn in the ground. I have four different plantings each about a week and a half to two weeks apart. Once it starts I'll have fresh corn for a long time.

Tried to mulch but it was too windy so I hoed some of the parts of the garden that needed it. If this wind doesn't give me a break I'll be hoeing a lot more than I want. Mulching is becoming a high priority.

Canned 7 quarts of vegetable soup this morning and picked a handful of blueberries. Man those were good. A few actually made it to the freezer with plans for jelly later when I get enough.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
The kids have been eating all of my blueberries, even faster than the birds can get them. :rolleyes: Oh well, I'm glad they're enjoying them. At least it's better than candy.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
They were very wet from irrigation the day before and the light rain that morning but I tilled the paths of the little veggie garden.

I'd never have done this on a planting bed. Well, just walking on a wet bed would have been a no-no but I've never grown anything vegetable in those paths for 15+ years. (May have just transplanted some weeds with that tiller :\.)

Today, I will tread different paths to get some fish emulsion on the leaks and the new-to-me Siji bunching onions. I could (& might) use dry organic fertilizer on the bunching onions. Sprinkling anything not liquid on leaks is another gardening no-no.

I better get the stakes out of the backyard and into the gardens. I noticed a flower bud on a dahlia plant! Those things might need some support soon. I know the pole beans will. Besides, I'm a serious threat to anything growing out there when I'm dragging a hose without some posts at the end of the beds!!!

@journey11 , your husband needs a 5# sledgehammer. It is light enough for swinging with one hand while the other holds the post, w/out involving or endangering DW!

Leeks not leaks!
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Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Well, um ... I managed to spray roundup all over my yard to kill, maim, and destroy any and all invading hordes of green weeds that are showing signs of inviting all kinds of riff raff friends and relatives to the invasion party and orgy. :rant ( Don't tell my wife . ) Yup, after 5 weeks of doing absolutely nothing but sit in my recliner, watch the boob tube, and sipping Long Island tea (as a much tastyer and more effective substitute for Codiene ) :drool and glowing in the dark from x-rays that were showing absolutely NO DAMAGE, wearing a ace bandage, getting a Cortisone shot in my L knee and several other pain pills and potions. I received an MRI last Tuesday that showed that I had a 3/4" x 3/8" fracture in my L knee. :ep Just how I managed to do this, I have NO idea. :idunno I am going to see an Orthopedic surgeon next Monday for a followup appointment to see if I need surgery. :fl Meanwhile, I am hobbling around on crutches in between sips of this tasty tea. :p

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Well, um ... I managed to spray roundup all over my yard to kill, maim, and destroy any and all invading hordes of green weeds that are showing signs of inviting all kinds of riff raff friends and relatives to the invasion party and orgy. :rant ( Don't tell my wife . ) Yup, after 5 weeks of doing absolutely nothing but sit in my recliner, watch the boob tube, and sipping Long Island tea (as a much tastyer and more effective substitute for Codiene ) :drool and glowing in the dark from x-rays that were showing absolutely NO DAMAGE, wearing a ace bandage, getting a Cortisone shot in my L knee and several other pain pills and potions. I received an MRI last Tuesday that showed that I had a 3/4" x 3/8" fracture in my L knee. :ep Just how I managed to do this, I have NO idea. :idunno I am going to see an Orthopedic surgeon next Monday for a followup appointment to see if I need surgery. :fl Meanwhile, I am hobbling around on crutches in between sips of this tasty tea. :p

Ouch, I have fallin HARD on a knee (3 times now.) Lucky me. Only contused (Bruised) the knee cap! Still months , maybe years later, it still hurts to kneel on. I sure hope they can get you all patched up. :hugs

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Well, um ... I managed to spray roundup all over my yard to kill, maim, and destroy any and all invading hordes of green weeds that are showing signs of inviting all kinds of riff raff friends and relatives to the invasion party and orgy. :rant ( Don't tell my wife . ) Yup, after 5 weeks of doing absolutely nothing but sit in my recliner, watch the boob tube, and sipping Long Island tea (as a much tastyer and more effective substitute for Codiene ) :drool and glowing in the dark from x-rays that were showing absolutely NO DAMAGE, wearing a ace bandage, getting a Cortisone shot in my L knee and several other pain pills and potions. I received an MRI last Tuesday that showed that I had a 3/4" x 3/8" fracture in my L knee. :ep Just how I managed to do this, I have NO idea. :idunno I am going to see an Orthopedic surgeon next Monday for a followup appointment to see if I need surgery. :fl Meanwhile, I am hobbling around on crutches in between sips of this tasty tea. :p
So sorry, @bobm, that you've been laid up this way. :sick It is never a good time to be injured, but if you have to get hurt, early winter is a good time. Early spring is NOT! After being under the weather for the better part of nine years I am always worried :hide about getting hurt.

:hugsDo take care of yourself and don't do anything to further injure yourself.:hugs


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Ouch! @bobm that makes me wince. I am a future candidate for knee replacement surgery, hate having crap for knees. I am sorry for your pain, have another tasty libation to kill the unpleasant sensation emanating from you knee. :hugs


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
I weeded my little picket garden, and planted the Bloodflower asclepias that I have been torturing. I could almost hear them sighing and wriggling their toes in their new bed. Anyway, I was relieved at least to finally get them in the ground! Got the front beds weeded and deadheaded. Worked on pulling still more weeds out of the south garden area. Transplanted the crowded betony out of one pot, and into another after some root pruning.
Planted some Persian Shield and plectranthus in the pot in the entry.