What did YOU do in your garden today :P


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
My garden is weeping bc I'm SOOOOOO BEHIND!!!! :hit
Rain, Rain, Rain, Work, Work, Work,...
Fortunately, after I planted my (4' x 13')okra bed last Saturday, it rained every day and most of them are up.
I planted about 7/8 of DH started from seed beefsteak tomatoes around the cement cistern. I dug out all offending dirt and replaced it with compost. I also threw in carrot and marigold seeds and many are up.
Went to start weeding the 2014 tomato and pepper beds (4 of those) and discovered two volunteer cherries right next to each WITH green fruit, each other 3 ft tall/long. I grabbed an old metal fence stake and staked/tied them to it. MIGHT have some tomatoes from them by the 4th ofJuly. There were two other volunteers equally as long, but when I pulled out a 4 ft. weed growing in the same spot I killed them. Oh, well.
I have two straight days in a row, Saturday and Sunday to get back on track. I'll try to take some pictures to share.
My composting beds have been very successful this year.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B

Today I made a trip to BIL's bamboo forest and came back with 30 long poles. I think I can get two stakes out of most of them. These are mostly going for bean teepees.

That took most of my day, but I did get home with enough time to spray fungicide on the roses, pink honeysuckle, cukes and onions. The cukes are just getting ready to set fruit. I thought one plant looked a little like it had a start of powdery mildew, so I figured I better get on top of that.

Also sprayed a band of weedkiller along the chickens electric net fencing. Took an old kiddie pool with a leak in it, poked it with the pitch fork a couple more times and filled it with a mixture of dusty fill dirt, wood ash and DE for a better dust bath for them. One chicken's rear looks odd, not fluffy, but like it is damp and she's picking at it, so I'm afraid they've got mites. Gonna hop over to BYC in a bit and see if I can find out anything more. I can't catch her either. Crazy chicken.

Yesterday I put in a second planting of Marshall's Powder Star pole beans, the last (a 3rd planting) of Russ's Star 2056 African beans...not that the other plantings haven't done well, just wanted to put my "eggs" in several baskets. Also planted some more carrots, and seeded some fall brussels sprouts in one of the raised beds to be transplanted later. Think I've got some more broccoli and cauliflower seed around here...somewhere. Those need planted too.

The garden has truly taken off with these last couple of warm rains. Everything is huge and green. I have lots of baby tomatoes setting, cukes, banana peppers and summer squash babies setting too. Most of the beans have little flower buds and are coming along nicely. I will try to take a break long enough to take some pics tomorrow. Gonna work most of the morning in the garden, then taking off the afternoon to go FISHING. :woot


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
I hear ya, @ducks4you . Rain, rain, go away...at least for two or three days in a row please. We've had just over 7" for June and our avg. should be around 4.33". Plus whatever we get over the next 3 days of forecasted rain... :confused: It's hard to keep up the weeding when it's too wet to get in there with a hoe or tiller. If I hadn't gone with cardboard and 10 bales of straw, I'd be in big trouble right now. It's very discouraging to see your hard work overtaken by a jungle of grass. Hope you get a good chance to tackle it this weekend. :hugs

(And at least it's supposed to dry out for the Fourth of July! Several days in a row and mild temps to boot! Yay!)

@Ridgerunner , so did you have garden bunny stew for dinner then? :drool
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MIchael Hibberd

Garden Ornament
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Lots of odd jobs and tackling the 'jungly' aspects of the garden. Always thinning out and eating at the moment though. Loving the parsnips today. Parsnip curry I reckon :)


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Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I like parsnips and curries! Usually, it is potatoes and carrots but why not parsnips? My few parsnips are a long way from harvestable size so I'll have to wait ...

@journey11 Logging :).

I certainly should have held some bean seed back for special care. One variety (Green Kidney) completely failed to emerge. Two plants came up of another and both died trying to grow first leaves o_O. Despite my earlier anxiety, the other varieties may be 100% emergence and are doing fine, despite so many cool days.

My work lately has been focused on trellises for the flowers. The dahlias have been shouldering their way up towards the sky and soon, they will be crowding each other a little. Mostly, they will close the paths if I don't get some posts and string out there! One step, one bed at a time ...



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I started out yesterday weed eating with the intent of mowing and cleaning up, but it sprinkled just enough to get the grass wet. Didn't even register in the rain gauge. So I put some red cabbage in the freezer and some cilantro in the dehydrator. Later on I mulched and weeded.


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
The ONLY good thing about all of this rain is that I didn't have to water my okra bed to sprout the seeds. Looks like most of 4 packages of seeds sprouted! :weee My family didn't want any when I first planted them, and now they're looking forward to fried okra, baked okra and pickled okra. They BETTER help harvest.
Today, my peppers FINALLY go into their beds, sweet and jalepeno gigante (8 volunteers!!!!!)
Yesterday, I had to move my 20 adult chickens outside. It was full of those tall weeds (not noxious) with shallow roots, but I had to leave a bunch bc the old apple tree and the dying maple tree (that we took down last summer) are both gone, and so is their shade.
Today I get to strip the 12' x 16' chicken "stall", clean the brooder (a steel 110 gallon water tank that sprung a leak), and set it up in the stall with their heat lamp.) We successfully incubated 8 baby chicks (EE'rs) and they won't have enough room in the 10 gallon fish tank in a day or two. I swear I have moved more Sxxt this year than planted things!!!!!
Shouldn't complain TOO much. A whole bunch of carrot seeds I planted around the cistern beds and the tomatoes have sprouted. Should have a GOOD carrot crop this year! The year's not over YET!!! ;)

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