Garden Master
Today I pulled up dandelions.
Yeah, I know, but the flowers are so small now, and they are tall and beyond weedy looking. Just a bunch of headless stems.
I pulled up dead tomato plants, weeds and more weeds. I dug up some Egyptian Walking Onions and clipped the bulblets off the top of the stems.
I cut down a gi-normous sunflower (wild) that I thought I would have to take a chainsaw after. I did general clean up and put 3 big black plastic bags out by the curb.
I cut open some over ripe Chocolate Cherry tomatoes and squeezed the seeds out onto a paper towel to save them.

I pulled up dead tomato plants, weeds and more weeds. I dug up some Egyptian Walking Onions and clipped the bulblets off the top of the stems.
I cut down a gi-normous sunflower (wild) that I thought I would have to take a chainsaw after. I did general clean up and put 3 big black plastic bags out by the curb.
I cut open some over ripe Chocolate Cherry tomatoes and squeezed the seeds out onto a paper towel to save them.