Garden Master
I made it to the dump today. It was 16°f this morning but the wind had died away. I was glad I started loading the truck at 8am. The wind picked up to 18mph by 11 ...
I started without insulated gloves so there was a nice long intermission in there while I got some feeling back into my hands.
The afternoon was spent puppy-sitting Garbanzo & Waffles while dozing. I woke up to this and thought all of you might like to see some green gardens and a British "reality show!"
It was a kick seeing how seriously they could take things while obviously having a good bit of fun:
The Big Allotment Challenge (YouTube link)
I hope you enjoy the show.
I watched a few minutes of the show and look forward to watching the rest. I don't think I could team up with anyone on such a small piece of ground and come out of it still friends. I'd have a hard time collaborating; my way or the highway, you know.

I can't foresee them making an American version, do you? Culturally, the British seem to be more serious about gardening, while most Americans are obsessed with other things.