Alright everyone, share what you LIKED about your garden this year! I liked my tomatoes. I got like 5 jumbos a day (have six t. plants) I also liked all my flowers and other vegies. I almost liked everything except for my corn and cucumbers (they did horrible because someone told me the soil I bought from them for the corn and cucumbers was "Rich" )
I liked that I got a good harvest this year. I liked the heirloom tomatoes that I planted. I really liked all the okra harvest since I had none last year. I liked that I did not use any fertilizers or pesticides other than organics.
Honestly, my tomatoes, corn and beans. I got 30 tomatoes a day sometimes, and so many beans, it was unreal. My corn did real well for my first year, I think. Everything else did pretty well, but those three were really great. Guess I should have added that Im still picking quite a few tomatoes as well. I gathered 20+ the other day. Too bad I dont eat them!
Potatoes! I was really happy with how my potatoes, garlic & onions turned out, esp. since it was my first year. I was also pleasantly surprised that, when I cut my broccoli plants of at the ground this spring when the weather got hot, they all came back, and i'm getting a second harvest of broccoli!
My sweet onions, Romaine lettuce and Rouge Vif D'etampes pumpkins, although they matured more quickly than they should have. Well, everything did in my garden this year.
Our burgundy beans, beets, potatoes and various greens did well, but my biggest fun surprise was how last year's coriander reseeded itself so exuberantly! I learned to use cilantro in many dishes until my DH let on that he hates it! :/
Overall, I was happy with everything in the garden. I'll need a little more of some things and less of others next year. This was our first year of gardening on this scale (4400 sqf) and we canned, dried, or froze more stuff than I ever imagined possible. I think the tomatoes we're my pride and joy since we were able to save whatever we couldn't eat fresh. We're actually still picking them since the weather warmed up again. It looks like we'll have about 60 qts of sauce when everything is done.
Once again I had a very disappointing year. I did like my rainbow swiss chard which did pretty well until the weather got hot. My green beans met my expectations. My peas were abismal as usual. The chickens got through the chicken wire and got most of the tomatoes on the deck. I had one chili pepper plant that is still exploding with peppers.