Garden Master
Friend of mine who is great mechanic and businessman, wants to garden-and his son in another location. What do you tell them?
No gardening experience, wants to live off the land (question his time and dedication), wants chickens (ever try to buy layers this time of year?). Talked him out of steer-found farmers that raise and sell beef as he wants. Same. With pork. Didn't try on friers-once experienced, he'll either be sold on NEVER doing that again (my bet) or will be hooked. Did I mention, he is extremely busy?
Ok, fire away.
No gardening experience, wants to live off the land (question his time and dedication), wants chickens (ever try to buy layers this time of year?). Talked him out of steer-found farmers that raise and sell beef as he wants. Same. With pork. Didn't try on friers-once experienced, he'll either be sold on NEVER doing that again (my bet) or will be hooked. Did I mention, he is extremely busy?
Ok, fire away.