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Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Flea beetles can riddle things like radish. Interest in trying to eat the roots goes when you realize that the flea beetle larva has cut grooves all over them will the adults are punching holes in the leaves.

Benjamin ate all the many broccoli plants I set out last year. Chewed on the cabbage plants so thoroughly over several weeks that I had only a couple of tiny heads to harvest. He chewed down a whole row of early bush beans that were unable to come back. Benjamin did nothing that looked like sharing what he could comfortably get at.


The neighbors rabbit Snickers ate all of my purple broccoli and picked out 1 cabbage plant that he snacked on each day. I started putting rabbit food out for him and I think that slowed down the garden munching. He would come to where I had dishes out for water and food. Then, in November, I just put him in the hutch when the owners told me they did not want him.

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