Garden Master
Hmm...duct said:Wow Journey! I'm so impressed! All that and Superbaby too!
Is that one of your uses for duct tape?

I try to plan around naptimes and the occasional Barney video.

Ninnymary, yep, it was ground deer/venison. I love how lean it is. It's really quite healthy and good for you. You should try it sometime! Do you have much of a deer population in your area? I don't recall you cursing the deer for eating your garden like some of us have had to contend with. I've gotten to where I prefer it in chili and spaghetti sauce because it is a sweeter and non-greasy meat compared to beef.
Steve-- Mincemeat... Oh, I don't know if I could handle that. I never realized that it was actually supposed to have meat in it! Here's anold-fashioned recipe I found... It calls for the addition of 2 and a half cups of suet.