What have you learned from this years garden?


Garden Ornament
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Aiken, SC - Zone 8
aquarose said:
davaroo said:
aquarose said:
I have to follow Davaroo? (I feel so inadequate) Anyway....
1. Don't plant if it seems too cold - despite the calendar date.
2. Don't trust the chickens in the garden.
3. Raised beds are what I have been waiting for.
4. Trellis the cukes and tomatos before they get tremendous.
5. Mint gets really tall in wet weather.
6. The pine needles from my MIL's house make the best garden mulch I have ever had.
7. Lots of things will grow fine without the requisite 6 hours of full sun.
8. Beets are more challenging than I thought.
I have to follow Davaroo? (I feel so inadequate) Whats that all about?

1. I make that mistake at least once in each gardening year...

2. Yeah, chickens are for when the garden has died down....

3. Amen! Oh, my back!

4. I didn't want to fuss with that this year. I wont do that again...

5. Makes you wonder where its going below ground, too....

6. Pine needles rule! Just dont put them in the compost pile.

7. My garden is in dappled sun half the day - and you're right. It grows.

8. Dunno, never tried them. I'm trying turnips for the first time, though. Does that count?
Thanks Davaroo. You just seem to have a really good handle on things...writing, thinking, gardening!
Thanks for that. It's 'cause I'm an ancient relic, with the dust of ages clinging to me.