What I ate from my garden today.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
That was my oldest sister and my niece, who have grown more and more entitled as the years go by..no one knows why. My niece has pancreatic cancer, so no one says anything about it, but I guess having cancer has made her even more self serving than normal...she was always like that all her life but it's gotten worse. Much worse. And my sister didn't used to be that way, but has grown into that...I guess through dealing with her princess and seeing how much it gets her to be demanding.

I could tell you story after story of such rudeness but it serves no purpose...suffice to say I've worked oncology as a nurse and also hospice and never met a single CA patient that has acted like that. Most humble and sweetest patients I've ever cared for but I've seen these two in the hospital and it's horrifying how nasty they are to staff and fellow patients when she doesn't get what she wants...and NOW.

Like I said....it's just...weird.
My Dad would never allow anyone into his garden after one year his brother went through it. Think bull in china store. They destroyed as much as they picked. From then on, he picked what anyone could have.
You are kinder than I would have been. I’d tell her to get her a__ out of my garden. As for eggs, not in my life time. (I share with 3+ widows & several older couples-sharing not a problem.).


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Bee I bet your sister feels because garden at her mothers house she can have what ever she wants. Steve I remember my aunt call the police when someone stole her pumpkins they laughted. Try same thing it in supermarket they would get arrested

I think that's part of it, though they are very self entitled. One time she needed an AC unit put in one of her windows and just barged into my son's home to demand he come and do it for her. He was sleeping after a 4 day stent away from home and working solid throughout the 4 days, sleeping in his truck. She's lucky she didn't barge in on him in there naked.

She didn't care. All she cared about was her baby was hot and she wanted someone to get her cool again. Eli went and did it and was glad to do it for her, but not so happy to have her barge into his home unannounced, so started locking his doors after that.

She called my 83 yr old Ma to come and remove a tire off the niece's car, take it to the shop to get it fixed and bring it back to put it back on.

That's just a few examples out of a long, long list of things they think are their due in life and we often do what they want because the girl is going to die soon, but they are singularly ungrateful and quite demanding in the things they expect and want.

We help them without being asked in many, many things but they also take that for granted too. It's all very weird but no one wants to say anything due to the girl's illness.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
That is weird. The several people that I know who have had cancer have actually changed for the better. They don't take things for granted but are very appreciative of you. Sorry that's not the case with your family members.

Next time they come, I would firmly tell them that I am going to pick their edibles!


That's been my experience too...most folks who are terminal don't take time out of their short lives to be difficult and unkind. Usually they are stepping lightly through this world at that point.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
That's been my experience too...most folks who are terminal don't take time out of their short lives to be difficult and unkind. Usually they are stepping lightly through this world at that point.

Mom makes lap quilts for hospice and vets and does a lot for other people too. i'm here to support her as best i can so she can do the things she loves. that's my job. i wish everyone a good journey and a gentle end. good night. :)


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
She asked your mother to change a tire :th:th:th

She didn't ask me, which would have been the logical one to ask, but she knew I would be expecting them to participate as I taught them HOW to do this for themselves. Mind you, my sister is 13 yrs older than I and fully knows exactly how to remove a tire, she's just uber lazy and has no intention of doing so.

Oh, hon, that's not the half of it...she has Mom come and weedeat her overgrown property a couple of times a year, asks her to help her can up deer meat...but Mom does all the work, and just about anything else she wants done. She kept saying outright, "When Chance(her son)gets us a deer we're going to bring it over here so you can can it up for us!" and then that switched to Mom bringing our canner and coming to THEM to can up their deer for them.

I just sit there and look at them. I refuse to go that far, though Mom has...there's nothing wrong with their hands and arms that they can't process their own meats, nor do anything else for themselves, but they know they can take advantage of Mom. I have no problem TEACHING someone to can, but to actually do it for them while they sit on the couch and text people is something I will not do.

I cannot tell you how many times we've detailed her cars, cleaned her house, cleaned her nightmare of a fridge that only gets cleaned out every 5 yrs or so when we come and do it, mowed her lawn, maintained her own mower she leaves sitting out in the weather. Her stove was so filthy that it quit working...Mom gave them OUR stove and bought a new one for us. She thought she could sell the other one...who in the world would buy a broken, food baked on stove?

It's a weird situation but we help them because that's just who we are, but it gets more strange as the years go by.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Perhaps they are the way they are because we enable them? It's ok to want to help people. I'm that way too. But I only help people who need it or can't do it themselves!



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
they don't have roaches!??! leaving things like that is asking for problems...

i'm in agreement on the teaching someone and then they can do it line. both of my brothers are disabled in various ways so i don't mind growing some things for them or helping them out if they need it, but they also both have able sons that are in much better shape than me so those kids need to step up and help too. Mom is in better shape than me too and she just redid the foundation gardens at my one brother's place and put in new rose bushes for them. in two or three days, she got it all done, it would take me a few weeks. she also helps out another friend of hers with her yard work once in a while. i have so much here i'm behind on i rarely feel like i have that sort of extra time to go find even more to do elsewheres. :)

i hate cleaning but i do it here or there and dust my room a few times a year. clutter is just my way of keeping track of which projects i'm working on. out of sight out of mind... this house is small enough i could clean it pretty well without too much effort. thank goodness. i always kept my apartments/house well enough. the landlords usually got a place back that was better than i found it. that's how i always have been. some things you just do because that's right.

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