what if we love bees, snakes, spiders and bugs?


Deeply Rooted
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

My take on Spiders, Snakes, and other creepies!


When I was only about 6-years-old, we traveled to see my mom's parents. My grandmother was an avid gardener and she would take me out into her veggie patch amongst the tomatoes and other delightful things.

She told me that spiders were the souls of our dearly departed and family, that they were here to visit us and keep an eye on us. I was floored. Being just six I would see a spider and my mind just whirled around the thought that there was a person's soul in there. It was definitely the catalyst that prevented me from stomping or killing them.

Years later I see her wisdom and how her little 'white lie' was really designed to instill the utmost respect for these garden friends. A spider eats tons of bugs and without them we would all be overrun.

I am so Thankful to have been lied to in this instance. Perhaps in some small way I still think that spiders are looking in on us like family. If anything they probably think we attract bugs and that it is a buffet if you hang around humans. LOL :p Heck, they probably think Humans are the souls of the Dearly Departed Spiders so don't bite them!!!! At least the good little spiders with fabulous Grannies! :cool:


I love snakes, yes even rattlesnakes; I am very fortunate to have one move into my garden recently. This summer I had to remove all the bales of hay that I had stored because they became infiltrated with mice. Mice in New Mexico carry the Hanta Virus, so this is a very serious thing. I removed the bales and the next thing I knew all my coop buildings were overrun with mice. They were literally everywhere. Normally I use a tincat to catch them live and then release them away from the house. I have a resident Sparrow Hawk (Kestrel) that takes care of them from there. Yet this time it was an explosion of mice. Uggh, my tin cat was filled every day with no relief in sight.

The next thing I know I heard my lovebirds out there alarm calling and so I went out to investigate. It was a Bull Snake or common Gopher snake. Now, several months later, I have not seen a single mouse anywhere and I have yet to catch one in my trap. I did get to see my snake friend and he has tripled his size. Wow, he went through every mouse nook and cranny and delivered them to their maker. I am so proud and pleased to have him here.

OK, well that is my take on all this I guess. I rarely have killed a spider and most times it is because it is a Black Widow or a Brown Recluse. I know how dangerous they can be. I do have spiders in my house; personally I use them as my pest control. I do not use pesticides in the house.

As for the crawling across the face part. Yeah, I have had that happen and yes I have jumped a mile smacking what ever it was off of me. I feel bad if it is a spider and he gets hurt. It is just an normal response to do that and no matter how much I try to tell myself not to jump I do. LOL

I have also been bitten a few times, but nothing worse than what the mosquitoes do to me every day. I also have walked face-first into a web because I did not see it.....that is a creepy feeling!

OK, Love your spiders and say hi to your Loved ones which have departed, it does the soul good!



Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
"OK, Love your spiders and say hi to your Loved ones which have departed, it does the soul good! "

sometimes with out even realizing it people say just the right thing!

thank you!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I must have a very optimistic ancestor spirit in my backyard:

She spins a web across the backdoor stairs every night . . . and I walk through it every morning.

At least, so far I've been able to walk thru it . . .

Steve's digits

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