I use a 2" diameter PVC conduit with 3/8" holes drilled down the length in four rows. I stand them vertically in the center of the pile. It helps if you can put some brush or limbs under the pile to allow air to get in the bottom. The problem I ran into with doing that was trying to work the pile at the bottom. When it's working well, I could actually feel the heat pouring out of the pipe like a chimney. More pipes set at angles in the pile would probably give even more aeration, but the pile would dry out much faster and would have to be worked more often. I'll see if I can find some pice of my operation.
I have some better pictures of it somewhere, I just have to find them. Here is one. You can see the pipe in the center of the back pile. There is a pipe in the front pile as well, you just can't see it.