Garden Master
know apples trees grow wild here, but they require way to much spraying
Wonder why so much spray, I have never sprayed anything on fruit trees here. Except one because there were zillions of aphids on them.
know apples trees grow wild here, but they require way to much spraying
The trees where planted by his Grandparents. He bought the house from them when they moved to an apartment. He has no children at 37 , not looking like he ever plans to have any. Sure is a super Uncle though.I had a Zestar that produced when it was just barely a stick. I removed all but one apple, because I couldn't bear to take them all off. Very tasty. Last year it had about 6 and it was still just a baby. Unfortunately the filthy deer used it for a rub and killed it.
Macintosh is also very good, but I had to wait a bit, same as for the Honeycrisp.
Tell your son it takes a little bit of patience! Whatever he plants will likely be there still when your grandkids have kids.