Nov 14, 2015 Thread starter #11 Nyboy Garden Master Joined Oct 2, 2010 Messages 21,365 Reaction score 16,249 Points 437 Location White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY. Crystal formation sounds the prettiest!
Nov 14, 2015 #12 so lucky Garden Master Joined Mar 5, 2011 Messages 8,342 Reaction score 4,963 Points 397 Location SE Missouri, Zone 6 In the center of the circle it looks like either an indentation, or a little bump. Could be a piece of something that was in the clay when the pot was made and fired. It would cause a weak spot in the glaze, thus creating what Thistle described.
In the center of the circle it looks like either an indentation, or a little bump. Could be a piece of something that was in the clay when the pot was made and fired. It would cause a weak spot in the glaze, thus creating what Thistle described.
Nov 14, 2015 Thread starter #13 Nyboy Garden Master Joined Oct 2, 2010 Messages 21,365 Reaction score 16,249 Points 437 Location White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY. Center of circle feels smooth. Was a cheap pot from Christmas store.