Garden Addicted
Are you out of love with him yet? Whoever he once was, he is no longer that person. Time for you to get deeply, deeply, and CALMLY angry. Do not knuckle down to him. Kudos to you for not caving in. What a selfish jackass.
That sounds like a nice truck. You need to keep that. I'd find a family member to hide it for me or it could disappear while you were gone or asleep.
I bet you are tired of crying, tired of the hurt, tired of the games he is playing. You are the only one who is in control of you. When you let him make you cry, he is taking control and you need to get it back. You certainly don't owe him anything. Be strong. We are here for you to vent when you need to.
I'd sure like to whup his worthless A$$ for you and stomp a mudhole in his face.
I despise my ex. I will attend his funeral so I can spit in the coffin and I will go piss on his grave. yeah, I don't like him.
I agree. Hide that truck. Dont let him intimidate you. If I were closer Id help kick his butt, too.