Garden Master
What is it with old ladies? They pour enough on that you can smell them 1/2 block away. Wife is starting to do it. Stinks me out of car.
I agree...and let's not forget the older gentlemen who seem to soak in a vat of aftershave lotion or cologne before going out in public as well. I can actually TASTE the stuff as they walk by, it's that strong.
By my reckoning, you put on attractive scents when you want to attract a mate. Iffen you already have a mate, why in the world can't you just wash your body and call it a day? Presumably your mate knows what you smell like at your worst, so who are we trying to impress at that point??
And why are women all showing up at an office full of women, doused in their perfumes? I could care less if the lady next to me smells attractive, as long as she doesn't smell like cheesy butt crack or stinky pits. Soap's worked for a long time and it STILL works, if folks would just try it.
Wonder what they'd do if someone showed up with doe in heat scent?