Deeply Rooted
meriruka1 said:Notes to self for next year's garden:
1) Do not plant all the beet seeds at the same time.
2) Do not plant all the onion sets at the same time.
3) Change my sleeping habits to nocturnal so I can snipe at deer all night with the pellet gun.
3b) Or, win the lottery so I can afford to buy a 7ft fence for the whole garden to keep deer out.
4)Don't bother planting popcorn unless I'm craving burnt kernels covered in oil.
5)Don't bother planting tomatoes, peas, beans, peanuts or anything else for that matter (except onions) unless I address #3.
6) Buying Squash & Pumpkin seeds on sale means it's too late to plant them.
7) Covering plants with sheets to protect from frost = dead plants and more laundry.
8) Stop buying fruit trees unless I want a field full of bare, dead, pricey sticks.
That's it so far.........

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll have to keep some of those in mind!