Too cold to incubate!!! Can't understand why Rural King started selling chicks the last week it plunged below zero!! Oh, well, maybe they will be clearancing them and I'll get a few meals out of it. (Yes, I AM a chicken butcherer---MWHA, HA, HA!!)
I have 25 birds right now. They are all EE, bc we got zip, zero nada hatchings in 2013. DH blames it on keeping only one rooster, so I'll be keeping 4 this year. I have raised my roosters together so nobody is gonna be fighting to the death, just jostling for position, so to speak.
24 birds are EE, one 2yo hen is RIRxWelsummer/EE and was part of a clutch from a broody hen. She is orange.
6 are young roosters, and the rest are hens. 4 of the 24 were hatched June 1, 2013. The rest were hatched September 2, 2014. I have 5 older layers and 4 younger ones just started to lay. I expect that I'll have more soon, but I really think that the extreme cold weather has discouraged laying.
Won't be even THINKING about incubating until at least May.