Another thing that I find curious in your case Rabbits, is the uneven affect across your garden. In my unqualified opinion I would expect to see damage on everything if it were indeed herbicide residue.
So you think you got herbicide damage form the straw from your rabbits? I think the rabbits would be dead if there was so much latent herbicide on the straw that it hurt your potatoes. Of course I am no expert. You can use an organic pesticide on the potatoes to get rid of the bugs that you saw. There are manny good ones.Potatoes can with stand quite a bit of foliage damage and still produce. Digging them all up seems extreme to me. All organic crops will have some pests. It is a balance of some for them and some for you.
Thistle, touched on a question I was going to ask. Did the diagnosis come from a visual inspection or did it actually get tested for pesticides?
Yes master gardeners take one class and volunteer their time somewhere. I have a friend who took the class-she knows very little about anything.I know Master Gardeners who don't even garden. They live in condos and at the most have 1 tomatoe plant.
I'm not a Master Gardener but people ask me if I am. The Sunset editor thought I was one! I was embarrassed that she thought I was, haha.
This seems like crazy thing on the internet. Every read what you should never feed your dog? Mine would have been dead along time ago.Anyone can write a paper and put it on the web. They write the paper from what they read on the internet reinterpreting others info. I still say the rabbit would be dead. Maybe the rabbit manure damaged the potatoes-it is very potent..I don't know if all this is even real or some crazy scare thing on the internet, but even rabbit food if Timothy hay or other hay based and not alfalfa, which I use Timothy hay pellets and not alfalfa. Horse food or any animal food that uses hay in the feed could spread this, is what I read and I am not sure if the herbicide is ON the straw or IN the straw. We are talking WHEAT straw, so why would this be sprayed in wheat anyway for people to eat. I would think the straw would have a different type of pesticide than hay.