Garden Master
Antique dealers have a saying, old money will buy a antique and want it to show its age. New money will buy a antique and want it to look new.
I fall in the "no money" zone...that one where you find a well worn antique with whatever patina time has put on it, find it pleasing to the eye and a STEAL on price because the people who own it thinks it looks like a grubby old thing their family has owned forever and they want NEW furniture, not that old stuff. That's me...I like old, sturdy things that I can still use for their practical purpose but having that patina that I love so well.
I wouldn't have washed the algae and moss off your bird bath either, NY
Every time I clean waterers around here, bleaching them clean and filling them with crystal clear water, I see the dogs, cats and chickens bypass them and drink out of some stagnate puddle with chicken poop in it.