I've noticed we don't seem to have any lightning bugs, which is very unusual. I think we had them earlier in the summer. I sure do miss them. Anyone else have the same problem?
That might be because they are all in Wisconsin....we had a great light show this summer.....lol I tried to take a couple pictures but they didn't turn out well....I turned of the flash....some were visible but not what was actually out there.......
Gee, I hope we aren't in the beginning stages of Lightning Bug Collapse! Where would we be without those little flying stars on a hot summer's night? Come to think of it, due to our wacky Vermont Monsoon portion of this summer (almost all of it), most nights were unusually cool, like 50's and even 40's...anybody know if that's a no-no for fireflies?
If you need any mosquitoes, we will gladly ship you some! They are relentless this year...all that rain. And our bat population is down, due to white nosed fungus disease.