Garden Master
That is just about my thinking on tomatoes.There are very few tomatoes I've met that I didn't like
There are the issues of core and seeds and, of course, I want them healthy. As with any fruit, there's a long way between seedling and ripe fruit with things that can go wrong every day.
Relying on Better Boy makes sense to me. But, I've left it entirely to a friend to grow and me to admire .
I have to say that I drifted quite a ways towards pink in recent years. Let's see, if I can count hot pink ... I had 5 pink varieties in my garden in 2020.
I actually seem to have found a pink cherry that didn't split - Pretty in Pink. I can't say that it was all that different from a red Sweet 100 even in color but it certainly was as productive.
I like to snack on tomatoes in the garden and having a sweet, full-flavor red cherry is about the best for me. Once again, I'm happy to compromise -- wishing that Sungold wasn't quite so inclined to split out there. However, my appreciation for Yellow Jellybean seems to come down to how much they taste like a red .