simple life
Garden Ornament
I have to say, I am not sure mine even like to eat the weeds. So far though, they have eaten all of my morning glories, beans and salvia.
They LOVE the salvia. Today I decided to bring some of my younger ( 4 week old) chickens out to roam around with me. They immediately went for the salvia and never left that spot.
Its weird, even my new puppy likes to sleep right in the middle of one salvia plant in particular.
Needless to say these plants are shot
Mine definitely have certain favorites.
The older ones are always allowed out to free range all day, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and then they have always returned back to their coop on their own and then I just lock up.
Well the past 3 nights they have decided to come in to roost (sleep) in the rafters and on the top of a tall cabinet in my carriage house, its a room that was used when the house use to be a stage coach stop and is a storage room at the moment.
So my husband was able to reach up and get one and bring her out to the coop and came back for more.
Well he didn't shut the door tight enough and the minute his back was turned she came running past him and back into the carriage house and up to the top of the cabinet.
It was a losing battle and we gave up.
This room is attached to my kitchen and I leave the door open for the kids and dogs to go in and out of the house to the yard. Last night I was in my room and I hear all this chatter. I come out and there are 7 hens standing there looking at me.I tried to shoo them out but they barged right into my bedroom and tried to make themselves at home.
It took me and 3 of my kids to get them out and they kept trying to come back in.
We were able to get them through the kitchen and back to the carriage house room where they flew back up to the rafters.
I swear they are like having little kids, if they could have stuck their tongues out at me they would have.
AAAHHHH, needless to say, since I have some new babies hatching friday
I am a glutton for punishment. 
or I really like having those little buggers.
p.s I should have some extra little chickies for anyone local to me that would like to join this chicken cult.
They LOVE the salvia. Today I decided to bring some of my younger ( 4 week old) chickens out to roam around with me. They immediately went for the salvia and never left that spot.
Its weird, even my new puppy likes to sleep right in the middle of one salvia plant in particular.
Needless to say these plants are shot
Mine definitely have certain favorites.
The older ones are always allowed out to free range all day, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and then they have always returned back to their coop on their own and then I just lock up.
Well the past 3 nights they have decided to come in to roost (sleep) in the rafters and on the top of a tall cabinet in my carriage house, its a room that was used when the house use to be a stage coach stop and is a storage room at the moment.
So my husband was able to reach up and get one and bring her out to the coop and came back for more.
Well he didn't shut the door tight enough and the minute his back was turned she came running past him and back into the carriage house and up to the top of the cabinet.
It was a losing battle and we gave up.
This room is attached to my kitchen and I leave the door open for the kids and dogs to go in and out of the house to the yard. Last night I was in my room and I hear all this chatter. I come out and there are 7 hens standing there looking at me.I tried to shoo them out but they barged right into my bedroom and tried to make themselves at home.
It took me and 3 of my kids to get them out and they kept trying to come back in.
We were able to get them through the kitchen and back to the carriage house room where they flew back up to the rafters.
I swear they are like having little kids, if they could have stuck their tongues out at me they would have.
AAAHHHH, needless to say, since I have some new babies hatching friday

or I really like having those little buggers.
p.s I should have some extra little chickies for anyone local to me that would like to join this chicken cult.