Eh, you can keep the 89 in January. It's supposed to be cold right now, and I'm thrilled to have several inches of snow covering everything, so it's protected from the coldest temps - plus it keeps things in the ground, around here we get lots of heaving during the winter if the ground thaws and freezes repeatedly. I dunno about improving temps, though, February can be brutal around here.
While it could be worse, it's getting to -4 here tonight, which is REALLY cold for where I am. I'm like Pat, tho, even with as cold as it is, I keep thinking that every day gets me closer to spring! Plus, I just got some more seeds, so I'm going to start some more this weekend! :tools
Here we're sick of Winter also. Record lows, then record snow, then record rains, then flooding. Today the sun never came up. Gray and gloomy. Much too soon to start seeds as they can't go out until mother's day. Reduced to just looking at seed catalogs. I am SICK of this weather and we don't have it half as bad.
It is 14 degrees out here... or last I checked... or at least it was when I locked myself out this morning! ARGH!
Was feeding the chickens and ducks, and getting the ice out of their water AFTER I got my daughter her breakfast and up in her highchair. Thankfully she was so into the TV she didn't notice mommy was outside freezing with no way in!
Luckily, my neighbors we out feeding and watering their dogs and they came over and broke in my house for me. Good thing I trust them so much... because it was WAY to east with a credit card :/
Hi Lettuce Lady, another Washingtonian here also sick to death of the rain, snow, wind, gloom........flooding........ARGGGHHHHHH!! We live on the Olympic Peninsula.
But we could be living where Pat does! And so many others with far worse winters than we endure out here in the Pac. NW.
But that said, we do have our own gardening woes to contend with. Just wanted to say Hi and to tell you how much those garden catalogs mean to me also!