That is so cool. We get ruby throats here. A few at a time. They will come to the feeder when we are sitting near them. But have never tried to get one to land on my hands. What a thrill that would be.
Ma found a wooly bear yesterday morning, as you can see it is mostly brown except for one small ring of black. (Bad news?) I have actually not been able to find many wooly bears or their black look-a-likes lately, except for this one.
Yesterday happened to be weekly slaughtering day, we focused on ducks this week. To our horror we found out that the ducks had several more inches of down than usual! (Ducks are hard to pluck in the first place.) Another sign for a bad winter?
Seed-O that does sound like a bad winter sign! Unless they are coming through late, we should have seen a few monarchs pass through last week. This will be the first year I have not seen one in the fall. There were fewer in number this spring, too.