Worm's Have Arrived! Picture Added


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
On the beautiful Salish Sea
Sam The Yam said:
HiDelight said:
Congratulations on your worm delivery!!!! how exciting! like Wifezilla I have tons of worms already here but if someone wanted to give me a delivery of them I would be happy to take them!!!
I do not think there are every too many worms in a garden ..I was so exited yesterday when I found them wiggling in areas previously wormless in my garden ..like by the walls of my tiers...

anyway do a search above when you have time and just sit back and read all the wonderful worm info on not just this board but also on BYC and the SS ..you can check out the 4H I think they have a whole thing on verming :)

I keep meaning to start a worm bin just to make worm dirt for my potted plants ..but I have so many things that HAVE to be done I will just follow your thread if you will keep us updated please on how your worm adventure !

how many worms are you getting? ..I am picturing a truck load!!!

are you going to use them for fishing as well as compost?

I love your name it is perfect!

of course I adore Dr Seus to this day so any play on his words ..just wonderful! because he was nothing but a huge player with words!

I met him when I was 3 years old and still remember!
Well, I ordered one pound of worms and I emailed them to ask how many worms were in a pound and they answered back 800-1000. So I will have quite a few to keep track of. I've decided not to name them all though, just have one name for all of them "Slimey"

I am planning on composting only but if anyone needs some fishing worms I will have them available for that. I used to sell nightcrawlers as a kid for fishing.

You met Dr. Seuss? How about that! Did he talk like he writes?!

Yes, Sam is quite the character. He has been yamnapped and we had to even put out a yamber alert for him. He has returned the next day unharmed. True story!
Sam was yamnapped ...oh no!!!!
yes indeed I met him in a warehouse my father took me over to a tall man sitting in a chair I remember holding on to his knee and just staring at him ..I kept saying "you are Dr Seuss?" he was very nice and even though I must have asked 394857 times he patiently said "yes Hi I am! do you like my books?" and then I answered "are you really him???"

I to this day I can read Dr Seuss faster than anyone I know :)

my grandson adores it!!! He was one of a kind that man and I will forever be grateful for his books!

they help with reading, articulation and make kids (and parents and grandparents) laugh at the same time who could want more?

anyway this is about gardening so I will tell you a secret

my husband lovingly calls me Daisy-Head Mayzie :throw

I love the name Slimy for your worms :)

Sam The Yam

Leafing Out
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
HiDelight said:
Sam The Yam said:
HiDelight said:
Congratulations on your worm delivery!!!! how exciting! like Wifezilla I have tons of worms already here but if someone wanted to give me a delivery of them I would be happy to take them!!!
I do not think there are every too many worms in a garden ..I was so exited yesterday when I found them wiggling in areas previously wormless in my garden ..like by the walls of my tiers...

anyway do a search above when you have time and just sit back and read all the wonderful worm info on not just this board but also on BYC and the SS ..you can check out the 4H I think they have a whole thing on verming :)

I keep meaning to start a worm bin just to make worm dirt for my potted plants ..but I have so many things that HAVE to be done I will just follow your thread if you will keep us updated please on how your worm adventure !

how many worms are you getting? ..I am picturing a truck load!!!

are you going to use them for fishing as well as compost?

I love your name it is perfect!

of course I adore Dr Seus to this day so any play on his words ..just wonderful! because he was nothing but a huge player with words!

I met him when I was 3 years old and still remember!
Well, I ordered one pound of worms and I emailed them to ask how many worms were in a pound and they answered back 800-1000. So I will have quite a few to keep track of. I've decided not to name them all though, just have one name for all of them "Slimey"

I am planning on composting only but if anyone needs some fishing worms I will have them available for that. I used to sell nightcrawlers as a kid for fishing.

You met Dr. Seuss? How about that! Did he talk like he writes?!

Yes, Sam is quite the character. He has been yamnapped and we had to even put out a yamber alert for him. He has returned the next day unharmed. True story!
Sam was yamnapped ...oh no!!!!
yes indeed I met him in a warehouse my father took me over to a tall man sitting in a chair I remember holding on to his knee and just staring at him ..I kept saying "you are Dr Seuss?" he was very nice and even though I must have asked 394857 times he patiently said "yes Hi I am! do you like my books?" and then I answered "are you really him???"

I to this day I can read Dr Seuss faster than anyone I know :)

my grandson adores it!!! He was one of a kind that man and I will forever be grateful for his books!

they help with reading, articulation and make kids (and parents and grandparents) laugh at the same time who could want more?

anyway this is about gardening so I will tell you a secret

my husband lovingly calls me Daisy-Head Mayzie :throw

I love the name Slimy for your worms :)
Yes, one night my teenage daughter was having a party at our house and two of her friends decided they would take Sam for the evening. They left a ransom note. I proceeded to play along and eventually the next day he was returned.

Worms have not arrived yet. They shipped Monday from Tucson, priority mail, must be worm mail, because it certainly isn't p priority if their not here yet. I could have walked to Tucson and back by now! Maybe Slimey will come tomorrow.

Southern Gardener

Deeply Rooted
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
NW Louisiana Zone 8a
Sam, I also had worms along with their house delivered to me. Yes, kind of strange having worms delivered by the postman, but I like them and have caught a mess of fish with them. Good luck!

Sam The Yam

Leafing Out
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
The worms arrived today! I had them delivered to my work as I did not want them to come to home in case no one was there to greet them. I mean who would want to let a box of worms sit unopened for much longer than they have been. They were packed up in a small bag with some peat soil and there was 1 lb of worms (800-1200) all in there, all wrapped up in a worm ball. I had taken a styrofoam container to work and had in it some nesting material and food. I put them in and let them start getting settled and then later I still had to pull apart some bundles of worms. When I got home I put them in a big tote that I had decided would be their home. I took two styrofoam containers (the kind that honey baked hams are shipped in) and cut out two sides that joined and slipped them right down into the tote for a very nice fit. I then made a lid out of some 2X2 wood I had and some pegboard. I liked the fact that the pegboard was used because of the holes for ventilation. I will see how they adapt and keep you all posted.


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Too cool! I can only imagine your co-workers reaction, to your delivery!! Sounds like you've got a great system worked out. Looking forward to hearing how it goes! Good luck!

Sam The Yam

Leafing Out
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
The worms are settled in and doing what they are supposed to do. It's cool to open up the bin, lift up the newspaper I have on top, and see all of them just worming around eating the veggies. My wife thinks I am a 5 yr old with my first worm farm!




Garden Ornament
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
Isn't it great! I never thought I would love my wormies this much, but I do. The amount of organic matter they can break down is truly amazing, and the garden will love you for it.


Sam The Yam

Leafing Out
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
desertgirl said:
Isn't it great! I never thought I would love my wormies this much, but I do. The amount of organic matter they can break down is truly amazing, and the garden will love you for it.

Thanks! It is kind of funny that one would get so excited about worms, but indeed they are a great addition to the backyard "pets". I need to empty my compost out soon and start a fresh batch. They are one of the easiest things to take care of and yes indeed they do produce a great amount of organic matter.
Have a great time gardening!



Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
I am so happy for you! It sounds like you are having alot of fun with your worms.:) Maybe one day I might get into worms?:/ I don't know, people are starting to wonder about me after getting chickens, starting a garden, composting, and getting more "green".:)

Let us know how it goes. I sure would like to know if they are worth it. I'm already composting so I think my needs are being met for now.


Sam The Yam

Leafing Out
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
ninnymary said:
I am so happy for you! It sounds like you are having alot of fun with your worms.:) Maybe one day I might get into worms?:/ I don't know, people are starting to wonder about me after getting chickens, starting a garden, composting, and getting more "green".:)

Let us know how it goes. I sure would like to know if they are worth it. I'm already composting so I think my needs are being met for now.

I know exactly what you mean. I got my chickens, I am composting, I dabble at gardening, and my family think I've lost it, but I don't care, it's fun and relaxing.

As far as worth it..I think it takes awhile. I just have a small compost. But I did transplant some worms into the chickens scratch box where there is some really good soil plus remnants of chicken scratch and any food they don't completely eat, plus the worms are reproducing and they are taking care of the vegetable scraps, egg shells, and stuff. So for what little it takes to keep them I think it is worth it. They don't bark, mess in the yard, chase the chickens, they just do their own thing in their little compost bin!
Just get a few and try in out!:)

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