Deeply Rooted
Sam was yamnapped ...oh no!!!!Sam The Yam said:Well, I ordered one pound of worms and I emailed them to ask how many worms were in a pound and they answered back 800-1000. So I will have quite a few to keep track of. I've decided not to name them all though, just have one name for all of them "Slimey"HiDelight said:Congratulations on your worm delivery!!!! how exciting! like Wifezilla I have tons of worms already here but if someone wanted to give me a delivery of them I would be happy to take them!!!
I do not think there are every too many worms in a garden ..I was so exited yesterday when I found them wiggling in areas previously wormless in my garden ..like by the walls of my tiers...
anyway do a search above when you have time and just sit back and read all the wonderful worm info on not just this board but also on BYC and the SS ..you can check out the 4H I think they have a whole thing on verming![]()
I keep meaning to start a worm bin just to make worm dirt for my potted plants ..but I have so many things that HAVE to be done I will just follow your thread if you will keep us updated please on how your worm adventure !
how many worms are you getting? ..I am picturing a truck load!!!
are you going to use them for fishing as well as compost?
I love your name it is perfect!
of course I adore Dr Seus to this day so any play on his words ..just wonderful! because he was nothing but a huge player with words!
I met him when I was 3 years old and still remember!
I am planning on composting only but if anyone needs some fishing worms I will have them available for that. I used to sell nightcrawlers as a kid for fishing.
You met Dr. Seuss? How about that! Did he talk like he writes?!
Yes, Sam is quite the character. He has been yamnapped and we had to even put out a yamber alert for him. He has returned the next day unharmed. True story!
yes indeed I met him in a warehouse my father took me over to a tall man sitting in a chair I remember holding on to his knee and just staring at him ..I kept saying "you are Dr Seuss?" he was very nice and even though I must have asked 394857 times he patiently said "yes Hi I am! do you like my books?" and then I answered "are you really him???"
I to this day I can read Dr Seuss faster than anyone I know
my grandson adores it!!! He was one of a kind that man and I will forever be grateful for his books!
they help with reading, articulation and make kids (and parents and grandparents) laugh at the same time who could want more?
anyway this is about gardening so I will tell you a secret
my husband lovingly calls me Daisy-Head Mayzie

I love the name Slimy for your worms