We've been pretty busy here... I still have to finish the mulching, but the main part of the garden is complete & both the cantaloupe & watermelon are now up. I need to replant more radish as we have eaten the first planting.
The cilantro is just starting to take off.
The green beans are doing well & have started climbing the trellis.
Both the green peppers & the jalapenos are behind in their normal growth due to the cooler temps this spring.On the plus side, the marigolds are doing great, LOL!!!
The leeks are really putting on. We've never grown them before but after sampling 4 of them with a steak dinner earlier this week, we will definitely plant them again.
The onions were looking good a week ago, but now they're starting to look like they are close to finishing... No 'lunkers' this year I'm sorry to say.
Both the Lima beans & the soybeans suffered a setback about 2 weeks ago due to couple of cold fronts accompanied by 30 MPH winds (their leaves all had windburn).
The potatoes appear to be doing well... The tops are full & bug free so I'm hopeful that the tubers will be good as well.
There is not one hole in any leaves on those pole beans! Your garden always looks so perfect. I just showed your pics to my husband and he said you certainly know what you are doing, haha.
This morning I harvested the onions (since they have started falling over) & laid them out on the tables in the party barn to cure. Then re-mulched the row so its ready for the fall planting.
We planted them mid-February as they like the cool temps, Mary. At temperatures above 75 degrees, tuber production slows & when temps reach 85 degrees, it basically stops. We are in the 90s this week so it was time to pull them.
I have to finish pulling the rest of them tomorrow so I can reform the row (for fall) & re-mulch it before the watermelons overrun that area.