Yesterday's Posts


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
I know myself I have times where I surf the site and other times when I post. I'll fully admit I'm guilty of it. Part of its because I work 24hr shifts, the other part is I'm just busy. I honestly get online more at the station than I do at home. Have a young family, the garden, canning, hunting, and all the daily things that come along with being part of a family, I've got a pretty full plate. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way though.

Lot of the country though is not gardening so I think your seeing some seasonal things where people are focused on the upcoming holidays. Usually after the new year is when I start really getting serious about the garden again and really start thinking about getting things going again there. But there are a LOT of people who don't even think about gardening till Memorial day weekend.

I know my post counts on BYC, and BHY even SSF are VERY low. TEG has far and away the most posts. After that I seriously may not have 300 posts between the other 3 sites combined. And if asked I don't know what I could suggest to improve my post count on the other 3 forums. Sure I use the search options on there as someone else mentioned however those other sites are just not places I want to hang out. I like the people here.

We love our gardens for what they are and the rewards of our hard work. We love getting our hands dirty, seeing the miracle of something as small as a seed turn into something so plentiful. Look at how excited we get when we find something germinated. We don't have them because they want to spend time with us, or entertain us with their antics, or are soft, cute and cuddly. Sure we may marvel in the beauty of certain blooms, however we can see the beauty in a row of pumpkins or bok choy, or a trellising pole beans. We know the labor of love a well tended garden is so we have perspective and can truly what others have done with their garden beds.

There is no tomato math like there is chicken math. There is no new must have color or trait, or strain like there often is in certain breeds of poultry or livestock. Regional differences are much more apparent in gardening than when keeping livestock or poultry. You can have Chanctelors in Nova Scotia or in Florida and be successful. However if you live in Minnesota and try to have a 110 day tomato in your garden outside good luck with that.

I think more people are starting to come around to gardening. Be it to eat better, or eat cheaper, or just have something tastier and grown locally. The reasoning really doesn't matter. The guest count is encouraging. Figure the more people visit the more we may snag a few and they'll stick around.

I'm perfectly happy being apart of the little sister site.

Gardening requires just a slightly different kind of mindset. Some have it, some develop it, and others just don't get it. Thats ok. I have it, and I'm glad to share it with like minded people on TEG.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Jared77 said:
. . .

I'm perfectly happy being apart of the little sister site.

Gardening requires just a slightly different kind of mindset. Some have it, some develop it, and others just don't get it. Thats ok. I have it, and I'm glad to share it with like minded people on TEG.
Well, me too, Jared.

I think that 50 posts is plenty for me to take a look at, at least, for 1 day. I was a little surprised that we had someone who used his or her first post to ask if the forum was "dead." Well, if someone only takes a minute to read each one - it is going to take a person nearly an hour to get thru them all just from that one day.

Probably, that post was just a "troll" as the term seems to be used. It is hard for me to know why someone would do that.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Steve, look at the time of day on that one. I realize we have people all over the world on here but most of us are in the USA. Don't they know that farmers go to bed with the chickens?

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
That person trolled on SS, too, about the same time. Neither site has had a second posting from them. So---whatever....

Jared, I really like what you said about why we love our gardens--not because they are warm and fuzzy, etc. It seems many folks who "get into" animals do it only briefly, then go on to something else that catches their fancy. But most real gardeners are in it for life.

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