Attractive To Bees
keep us informed how this works out!
How do you set up a Fedex or UPS shipping account?Dear Cxxxx Xxxxx:
We received your order below, order #20100051. All winter orders for dormant cuttings will be shipped in February/March 2010. We request your FedEx, UPS or other shipping account number to help offset our shipping costs for your order.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Michelle Robards, Office Assistant
National Clonal Germplasm Repository
One Shields Ave. ("3201 Straloch Road" for packages)
UC Davis, Davis CA 95616
T: (530) 752-6504
Web: www.ars-grin.gov/dav
What does the Post Office do?The reason being that government agencies are not allowed to maintain programs that would be considered competing with private industry