Garden Ornament
I got three packets of four bean seeds each, today. FOUR seeds - what am I supposed to do with four seeds? No garlic or any of the other beans I had requested were shipped, and there was no indication they would be.
Along with this "bounty," was some computerish, order-related gobbledy gook and the following photocopied letter (excerpted):
"Thank your for your interest in the NPGS....The NPGS is a cooperative research organization and our germplasm collections are designed to serve research objectives. It is the policy of the NPGS to provide available material in small quantities for research and genetic improvement purposes, not for home gardening or personal hobby type use
This order we will send you a few accessions, but not necessarily those you requested. Any further requests will be looked at more discreetly.
The reason for this is that government agencies are not allowed to maintain programs that would compete with private industry. We also are not staffed or funded to support the high lever of distribution needed to fulfill requests from home gardeners for their "veggie gardens."
Well! Rebuffed by seed bureaucrats... oh the irony! The nerve of these guys - I pay their salaries (I love saying that
I'm wondering if I tried one of the other repositories, I might do better. These all came from the one in Pullman, WA.
SO what verbiage did you successful "seed pirates" use to get these guys to roll?
Along with this "bounty," was some computerish, order-related gobbledy gook and the following photocopied letter (excerpted):
"Thank your for your interest in the NPGS....The NPGS is a cooperative research organization and our germplasm collections are designed to serve research objectives. It is the policy of the NPGS to provide available material in small quantities for research and genetic improvement purposes, not for home gardening or personal hobby type use
This order we will send you a few accessions, but not necessarily those you requested. Any further requests will be looked at more discreetly.
The reason for this is that government agencies are not allowed to maintain programs that would compete with private industry. We also are not staffed or funded to support the high lever of distribution needed to fulfill requests from home gardeners for their "veggie gardens."
Well! Rebuffed by seed bureaucrats... oh the irony! The nerve of these guys - I pay their salaries (I love saying that
I'm wondering if I tried one of the other repositories, I might do better. These all came from the one in Pullman, WA.
SO what verbiage did you successful "seed pirates" use to get these guys to roll?