Garden Master
Tomato transplant weather?!?
we'll be getting our starts from the greenhouse this week so it will take a few days to harden them off for outdoors planting and then we'll have to watch the weather to be sure we're not going to get hit by a cold snap. i really don't trust this quite yet...
the other day i checked that the AC worked. put the thermostat at 76F, it just clicked on a few minutes ago. once it turns off i'm going to bump it up to 78 and hope that will hold us for the rest of the night. luckily there's not too much humidity now so Mom isn't complaining that it is too much. i'd like to get used to the heat while i can and get warm again. i've really enjoyed this warm spell myself, but it's too warm too early for the plants and such outside.
my attempts at rain-dances in the past have more likely scared any chances of rain away...
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