Your Weather, 2025


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
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East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
WOW! Wild ride there!
We had calm winds and clear skies as I watched the lunar eclipse climax at 1:30AM local time through the branches of my tree while sitting on the side door steps.
Youngest DD (my sky watching buddy) got to lay in her bed and watch through her window.
DH had his noise machine on "crickets", I got up after 1AM and thought I also heard crickets outside, but realized that it was the Spring frogs, so our winter is officially OVER here! :weee:weee:weee
They Said look SE, but I found the moon due South.
Today the winds are picking up and I am about to burn the tow wagon's worth of sticks that I gathered yesterday.
My window to burn ends about 11AM. The firepit is pretty safe, there are wind breaks south of the firepit, and the grass is coming in.
High today of 83 o_O, updated afternoon/evening forecast of 25-35mph winds and t storms at 10PM through overnight, then Saturday's high will be 69 with rain in the middle of the day, THEN, the bottom drops out, Sunday's high will be 47 with snow showers dashing through mid day.

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