

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
One person has been in our home since sometime in March, the telephone repair guy. That's 4 months.

DS has expressed a wish to drive 400 miles and visit but has refrained. DD shows up from about 30 miles away or we go over about once a week and meet in the yard for about 30 minutes tops.

Either DW or I go shopping alone. Food goes on the deck where the cans and boxes are cleaned before being brought into the house. Bananas and such go into a kitchen sink with soapy water.

No. This isn't fun. Initially, it wasn't much different from recent springs when I have a greenhouse and hoophouse of plants to attend and then, a garden to populate with them. There have been some free days and necessary meetings.

Some of those appointments were needed but not much fun. We came home and change our clothes. Hand cleaner is kept in each vehicle. I even clean the seats with sanitary wipes before parking myself behind the wheel - on a seat, damp with disinfectant. After all, I sometimes find myself sitting in up to 3 different chairs in these meetings before heading home.

I had pneumonia in 2019. Several series of antibiotics and steroids. CT scans of my lungs and sinuses. I won't discuss DW's health.

What the heck are we supposed to do? I'm pleased to see others wearing a mask and hope they see my smiling eyes as we pass and I say Good Morning!



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
To answer an earlier question, I do know people that have died from Covid. I know more people that have been really sick from it and required intensive hospital care. Mostly from a church where we were very active for many years but not all. This area was an early hot spot due to Mardi Gras. For whatever reasons restrictions were effective, they slowed the spread tremendously.

This is my opinion but I think it is human nature to discount things as long as it is a nebulous "they" being affected. It's when it becomes "us" that many people will start paying attention. And even then, some won't.

How hard is it to wear a mask and keep some distance and limit how long you are close to others when you have to be close? For those of us that believe in science, these things have been proven effective in slowing the spread. They are not going to eliminate the spread but are effective in slowing the spread. These things and washing your hands will offer you some protection but the masks are mainly about protecting others.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
The thing is this....if you believe strongly in everything you are told about this current event, then do what you feel is in your best interest and the best interests of others, by all means. That's your right.

It is not your right, however, to impose your will on others, applying peer pressure, shame or other tactics, to make sure everyone believes what you believe. Repeating an order for others to wear a mask over and over, implying they don't care about others if they don't, is your belief system but doesn't necessarily reside in any facts.

Now, if the side who don't wear masks were trying to get you to leave yours at home, you'd be royally T'd off and rightfully so. You have a right to do what you believe is the right thing. So do we. Please give it a rest with the making others conform to your beliefs. We'd like to come to a forum about gardening and not be hounded by those in fear with repeated admonitions to "wear a mask!!!" with all the dire tales of death and carnage to accompany and reinforce your views.

Do what you do, but I don't have to do what you do and that's okay. I grow weary of this constant badgering on these forums and elsewhere to conform to other's beliefs.

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Wait a minute...if he didn't even know he had it and was walking around, how bad could it be? ;)

I think my whole family(ages ranging from 2 yrs to 85 yrs) had what they were then calling RSV, but now many suspect was corona(they are very similar in symptoms) back in January and it was the worst cold I've ever had in my life~and I'm a career nurse~pretty sure it was what everyone is now calling Covid.

It was bad, we were recovering for a whole month, but still....just a cold. Fever, chills, cough, head full of snot, glands swollen so bad in my throat that I couldn't swallow, ear aches, fatigue, malaise, weakness....yeah, it was bad, worst cold I ever had. But....still....a cold virus.

Not the Black Death, not bubonic plague, just a cold virus when it's all said and done. A few of us got ATBs and steroids to help with symptoms(my two sons), but most of us just rode it out like one does a cold. My 85 yr old mother had the least symptoms of us all, but she definitely had it...and was over it quicker than the rest of us.
But, Bee, what if it is like the Bubonic Plague for ...say...20% of us? And another 20% get it so lightly they don't even realize they have it? Does that give the walking contagious the right to say it's no big deal and to refuse to protect the rest of us?


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
But, Bee, what if it is like the Bubonic Plague for ...say...20% of us? And another 20% get it so lightly they don't even realize they have it? Does that give the walking contagious the right to say it's no big deal and to refuse to protect the rest of us?

But, So Lucky, you 20% are wearing your masks and maintaining 6 ft from others, so you are protected, are you not? That's the party line, isn't it? That the masks and 6 ft are the magical cure and prevention for this proposed bubonic plague?

You are protected, as you claim, by these wonderful preventative actions, so why insist that we double down on it? If a little is good, more is better? Is that it? Better be safe than sorry? If this is a proven method, why isn't it good enough for just YOU to implement it? As long as you are wearing your magic mask and standing a pole's length from anyone and everyone, you are safe, aren't you? If not, why insist that everyone do the same thing that isn't keeping you safe?

The fact is, this is NOT the bubonic plague nor anything similar to it, so over exaggerating the point doesn't win the hasn't worked for the media either or everyone would glue the masks to their faces and stay in their homes at all times.

The horse is dead, no use in beating it. Arguing with folks won't get them to suddenly see your point and conform to your views. The real sickness here is the concentration on herd mentality.... when they should be concentrating on herd immunity in the face of any widespread illness.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Now, let me get this straight....the neighbors only ever came in contact with this one guy for 2 wks straight while he was shedding a virus, so they know with all certainty that they got Covid only from him? Not from touching surfaces out in the public, touching money, etc. Just the one guy?

Sorry, that dog don't hunt. I fail to believe that those folks didn't come in contact with many different possible sources of a virus in a two week period unless they are invalids that are home bound and are using nothing from the outside nor anyone is coming in from the outside but this one guy.

What they told me is that he came over, was visiting with the man. I don’t know how many days passed, but he called them and told them he was sick with Covid. Then they got sick.

Sure, they could have gotten it anywhere, but they were directly exposed to someone who had Covid.

That is what they told me. I didn’t argue with them.

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