
Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
If a mask & socially distancing works, why isn't Covid history?

Those that are at risk, need to stay home, as there is no way to protect them. Those sick, stay home-don’t care what they are sick with.
Unfortunately some people are sick and do not yet know, as they do not have symptoms yet. So they are out spreading it by not wearing a mask or social distancing. The mask works better to keep you from spreading it accidently, than preventing you from getting it. Works BEST if EVERYONE wears one in public places.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
If a mask & socially distancing works, why isn't Covid history?

Those that are at risk, need to stay home, as there is no way to protect them. Those sick, stay home-don’t care what they are sick with.

Masks and social distancing does not kill the virus or totally stop the spread. It greatly reduces the spread. Covid will not be history until they develop a vaccine, if they do, and enough people get vaccinated. I just hope vaccination and herd immunity works. That is yet to be seen.

Seed I don't know where you get your news or what you see around you. Many people are not wearing masks or social distancing. When they have the numbers improve. When they don't the numbers grow rapidly.

We are not the enemy, the virus is the enemy. A united front could help keep it more under control until they work out a way to defeat it. Looking around me I don't see a united front.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Masks and social distancing does not kill the virus or totally stop the spread. It greatly reduces the spread. Covid will not be history until they develop a vaccine, if they do, and enough people get vaccinated. I just hope vaccination and herd immunity works. That is yet to be seen.

Seed I don't know where you get your news or what you see around you. Many people are not wearing masks or social distancing. When they have the numbers improve. When they don't the numbers grow rapidly.

We are not the enemy, the virus is the enemy. A united front could help keep it more under control until they work out a way to defeat it. Looking around me I don't see a united front.
No united front here either :(


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
@Ridgerunner agree on no united front. Unfortunately we have made people the enemy causing more unrest. Agree that the only way to stop any disease is “herd immunity” whether by vaccine or getting it. Media has done an excellent job of causing mass hysteria. Why? (Please no one answer as it will cause more hard feelings) When people are hysterical, reason is useless.
When you look at numbers and compare it to common flu, many more deaths to flu. (Look up world pop vs Covid inflated deaths and do the math) Since the media has started counting deaths due to Covid, ZERO deaths attributed to “normal” things. Why?
Here we have known faulty testing numbers, yet CDC has not corrected but keeps adding to the pile.
There obviously different symptoms being called Covid but according to media everyone who gets it dies or gets deathly ill.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@Ridgerunner agree on no united front. Unfortunately we have made people the enemy causing more unrest. Agree that the only way to stop any disease is “herd immunity” whether by vaccine or getting it. Media has done an excellent job of causing mass hysteria. Why? (Please no one answer as it will cause more hard feelings) When people are hysterical, reason is useless.
When you look at numbers and compare it to common flu, many more deaths to flu. (Look up world pop vs Covid inflated deaths and do the math) Since the media has started counting deaths due to Covid, ZERO deaths attributed to “normal” things. Why?
Here we have known faulty testing numbers, yet CDC has not corrected but keeps adding to the pile.
There obviously different symptoms being called Covid but according to media everyone who gets it dies or gets deathly ill.
Hmm I must be seeing different information. Herd immunity scares me with this particular Super Bug. I choose to be very careful until there is a Good Vaccine and treatment available. This was such a new virus and it seems to be evolving already so the 1st warnings and reports are already obsolete and need constant updating, thus causing more confusion. But I will listen to the science before the crowds of Angry people! We just need to be KIND and respectful of each other. It is senseless to get so darn mad at the poor little store clerk that told you the store management says you must wear a mask to shop here. She did not make the rule, do not take it out on her, you may go somewhere else and shop, and not make a scene! (Not saying you or anyone here on TEG would do that)


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hmm I must be seeing different information. Herd immunity scares me with this particular Super Bug. I choose to be very careful until there is a Good Vaccine and treatment available. This was such a new virus and it seems to be evolving already so the 1st warnings and reports are already obsolete and need constant updating, thus causing more confusion. But I will listen to the science before the crowds of Angry people! We just need to be KIND and respectful of each other. It is senseless to get so darn mad at the poor little store clerk that told you the store management says you must wear a mask to shop here. She did not make the rule, do not take it out on her, you may go somewhere else and shop, and not make a scene! (Not saying you or anyone here on TEG would do that)
Agree, this is a time when we all need to go out of our way to be friendly, polite and respectful to all. Should always but........
While I disagree with the effectiveness of masks and 6’ distancing, I do it....although grumble to friends
Funny how people have forgotten first scare tactics-we should have over 200,000 dead in USA already.
We can not shut down USA until vaccine as best estimates are 1-2 years IF EVER because it is constantly mutating.
I’m living with a hysteria minded person who KNOWS she is going to get it & DIE.... she doesn’t miss any news on Covid and remembers all the bad. Can’t reason with her.


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
Scared people are easy to control. And now I'm going back to my corner.
Agree 100%, I have not missed a day of work from the start of this and don’t plan on it. I have some medical issues and do not want to catch it if I can help it. I am in charge of me Only,if you are living in fear or are in a high risk category you have a responsibility to protect yourself. I tell people everyday “you do you , and I will do me” and we will get along just fine.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
There obviously different symptoms being called Covid but according to media everyone who gets it dies or gets deathly ill.

perhaps you just don't do "media" very well? from what i see various news sites give various information. which ones seem to be more reliable are those i pay more attention to. the ones that are hysterical and just repeat a lot of one-off reports or anecdotal stories are not actually doing much good at all.

the bbc does a much better job than most of the other news sites, but there are other sites which give better (and less hysterical) information.

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