Garden Master
even the harshest places can support life.
the following site was set up by a permaculture guy for a farm, they used the backpressure waste water from wells at first but eventually abandoned the area, but some of the plants they put into place and got established are still there and alive.
every once in a while i check it out on the map to see if they've updated their satelite pictures but also just to see how it changes. always find it interesting and it gives me some small amount of hope because it shows that even in the harshest and driest areas you can make a difference if you really want to do it.
as a post script the guy also designed this site too but it looks to me like the original design there has been somewhat changed and perhaps abandoned too. still interesting after many years:
the following site was set up by a permaculture guy for a farm, they used the backpressure waste water from wells at first but eventually abandoned the area, but some of the plants they put into place and got established are still there and alive.
Google Maps
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every once in a while i check it out on the map to see if they've updated their satelite pictures but also just to see how it changes. always find it interesting and it gives me some small amount of hope because it shows that even in the harshest and driest areas you can make a difference if you really want to do it.
as a post script the guy also designed this site too but it looks to me like the original design there has been somewhat changed and perhaps abandoned too. still interesting after many years:
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.