Your grandson has the same coloring and sweet smile my grandson has. He is 20 months old now. Pregnancy and labor are hard but I know it is only a distant memory for Gabriel's mama. So happy for y'all.
Psalm 127:3-5 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a...
Oh my goodness! Can't wait for my jalapenos to start producing. Sometimes I will buy them from the Mexican store because they are cheap. I like to mix diced jalapenos, minced onion, (sometimes a little dill weed) and lime juice together for burgers or sandwiches.
Cardboard is a good mulch for several reasons.
1. Easily found.
2. No special tools to use it.
3. Doesn't cost anything.
4. Will decompose into the soil.
5. Earthworms really like it.
6. Good for keeping the ground cool in hot weather.
7. Holds in the moisture conserving water.
8. It will last...
Well my Kentucky Wonder pole beans are up and looking great but the Kentucky Blue I think one or two actually came up and they don't look to good. I soaked and sprouted some small red beans (grocery store beans) and planted where the Blues were planted. They are coming up. I hope I get enough...
Maybe a soil test is in order. Here in Arkansas we lime the garden in early spring and then use whatever fertilizer we have. You can burn up plants pretty easy. A steady watering is in order anytime the ground is dry. Poke your fingers down in the dirt to find out. Tomatoes do good with a epsom...
I wonder if fertilizing will help with blooms? This year has been a year for many blooms. The fruit trees, muscadines, blackberries and elderberries bloomed and now are heavy with fruit.
We used to have moles tearing up the yard but my little mix-breed dog would suddenly shove her nose in the ground and come up shaking and that was that. She caught and killed all kinds of little critters. Once she brought me a baby something. It was hairless, short ears, short tail and about as...
I wish one of my girls would go broody so far not any inclination. I have to get rid of one of my roosters he is tearing up their backs. One is an especially favorite of his. She will be bald before long.
Well like it was said we have dogwoods growing wild everywhere. My driveway has redbuds all the way down it. I have many flowering fruit trees. Our trees bloomed two months ago so you are finally getting to see all the glory of spring blooms which is a distant memory now except for all the fruit...
I should warn you that I'm a cheap drunk. One or two glasses of wine and I'm curled up sleeping on the couch...oh, yeah and I snore like a weed eater according to my son.
Irises are much like onions in that they do better if they are barely in the dirt. I used to give mine a twice a year feeding. Once early spring and again in late summer.
Mine wasn't doing anything for a couple of years and Mama told me they were planted too deep and quit mowing them down...