my guess is that even though it is 18 degrees this morning and the ground is frozen it isn't frozen very deep. I'd go ahead and plant them, water them in good and pray for the best. or try baymule's suggestion and do 2 and 2.
i agreed with thislebloom. people pay big bucks for snowflake paint. you should have gone to wally world for your paint, lol. and you know once the lids off a long neck it ain't goin' back on, just take a long drink and keep paintin'. sorry this is happening.
@canesisters, the sad fact is that i have four alarms like yours and not one of them goes off when someone pulls up in the driveway. in fact they will meet the vehicle with tails wagging and tell even the strangest person "wow man, glad to see you" wag, wag, wag..... that's why i decided to...
i have a combination storm cellar/storage cellar and put the potatoes in plastic crates that look a lot like Sams. the whites and sweets both store really well down there. so far none have frozen.
@sumi, i got pretty good at hiding veggies in all kinds of things when my gd was living with me. her parents let her just eat meat and potatoes and corn but she wouldn't even try other things. by the time she left almost four years later she was doing so much better.
hate that the squash bugs...
@digitS' i kind of agree with you about the importance of pasta around here. i love winter squash and eat a lot of it but i also love my pasta and try as i may i just can't make the two interchangeable. i like to cook the spaghetti squash like most of the rest of you then mix some butter...
@Smart Red, i am still going to try to figure out something for the driveway. just don't know what or how. at least with all these freezes almost all of the leaves are gone. maybe i'll try again when they are all gone. my house is almost .2 miles from the main road and i just like knowing...
@sumi, I'm guessing these are the plants in the containers? good deal! what did the little round squash grow up to be? and great that you were able to trade for chick feed.