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  1. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors. ^ That is the message that displays. There is nothing obscene or anything in the posts. They just answer the questions asked about my animals and what I am growing. No idea what the hold up is.
  2. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    Hello canesisters. :) You have not missed it. I have posted about my animals and what I am growing, but the posts are awaiting moderation, probably due to their length.
  3. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    I already have some freemen who are willing to work on my Postbellum Planation, but thank you. :) What beans do you grow? I'm waiting for moderators to approve my two posts with more detailed information on my plantings. I still need to update to include everything else I am planting. I am not...
  4. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    He sounds handsome. :)
  5. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    The are white, red and bluebonnets. There was an effort years ago to create the Texas Flag entirely out of bluebonnets. There are naturally occurring white and pink bluebonnets and through lots of effort, this was achieved. I come from several historical farming families. My parents broke this...
  6. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    Someone sent me a private message and told me to tell you hello and I told them that I would not have to, because Texans as so friendly that I knew you would find my board or I would find one of yours and that we would hit it off perfectly like Texans do. It is like we have a natural, built in...
  7. Bluebonnet

    Rare Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables

    You can not grow Honeycrisp from seed. Honeycrisps originated in a Michigan laboratory in the 1970's if I remember correctly and were almost discarded. I purchased my young trees and they are fairing well, which is surprising because it is supposed to be too hot for them down here. I planted...
  8. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    Bluebonnets are lovely. I have never been to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I am managing some acres as native prairie, as the natural sea of prairie grass was one of my major reasons for selecting this location. It is a lush sea of colors blowing in the wind and at night, on a full...
  9. Bluebonnet

    Rare Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables

    Thank you for the well wishing and good luck. :) Honeycrisps are outrageously priced and the quality in stores is declining due to a focus on mass production and imported crops. I decided to plant my own to ensure my supply. Red apples at the store were not so bad when I was little, but now...
  10. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    I posted two long and somewhat detailed posts, but they are awaiting moderation, while my other posts have not been moderated. Perhaps because they are so long or because I am a new member?
  11. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    For the curious, here is a partial list of what I have growing. Green Globe Artichoke Mary Washington Asparagus Cantare Bean Cherokee Trail Of Tears Bean Hidatsa Red Indian Bean Dixie Speckled Butterpea Mammoth Red Mangel Beet Early Wonder Beet Golden Beet Sugar Beet Extra Dwarf Pak Choy...
  12. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    If it makes you feel better, I am young, debt free, but heart sick and lonely because gentlemen who are interested in the same lifestyle I am as more than a weekend hobby are few and far between.
  13. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    I love homesteading / farming or what ever it may be that I am doing out here. The natural life in the country is how I love to live. As far as special conditions go, I am able to overcome, as I had to clear my land to build my home and open the land up for use. I took the time to test and...
  14. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    I am from Texas and am enjoying being part of Zone 9. The Coastal Texas Prairie is where I call home, so there is plenty of natural beauty here as well as many unique species, such as the Texas Prairie Chicken. I also have a greenhouse, where I attempt to grow fruits that prefer an even...
  15. Bluebonnet

    Sticky Weed Identification - Worst Weed Ever (well, almost)

    Instead of Monsanto Agent Orange RoundUp, grow yourself some of those 'ghost peppers', you know the ones they make you sign a waver to eat, grind them up and put in a spray bottle and douse problem weeds. Natural, organic weed killer. That stuff will literally burn and kill the weeds or...
  16. Bluebonnet

    Greetings Gardeners!

    I am a transplant from BYC, but never fear. I am not here to peck at you, I am here to introduce myself. My interests include raising critically endangered heritage breeds of rabbits, chickens, horses, geese, ducks, sheep, cattle, turkey, pigs, quail, and dogs. I am an avid gardener with a...
  17. Bluebonnet

    Rare Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables

    Thank you for the warm welcome. :) The apple was one of Thomas Jefferson's favorites for cider. Modern apples, with the exception of the Honeycrisp, have nothing on heirloom apples.
  18. Bluebonnet

    Rare Heirloom Fruits & Vegetables

    I was wondering if anyone happens to know where I can purchase Brinkles' Orange Raspberry Plants? It has come to my attention that a lot of the old time heirloom varieties are going extinct...